An inspirational message from Anthony Robles –

A truly inspirational message from Anthony Robles at the Tom Ferry Success Summit 2011.

Welcome to!

“We wrestle with our own opponents on a daily basis. These challengers can come in numerous forms whether it be a physical challenge, emotional, or even relational issues that can overtake us. No matter what opponent we are wrestling against we can be UNSTOPPABLE.”

Believe you are unstoppable.
It’s what can be that measures worth.
There is always something in life to wrestly with or overcome
Just find a way around it
We are unstoppable if we want to be.
Accept defeat and get better from it.
Follow Through
Most people quite when they lose
Know what you are doing this for
Prove to yourself that nothing can hold you back
Mental Coach:
Just focus on the winning and the end result
Focus on being there and how you will feel when you have accomplished, not the journey.
Make a contribution to others in life.

Be grateful for what you have in life.

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