The Old, the New…. and now the Newest

Sun Devil Football Style by DieHard-Apparel and Brad Hall
Below is an actual photo of the 1902 Tempe Normal Football team (now the Arizona State University Sun Devils). The students are obviously posed, making sure to show the year on the football so that 113 years later, you and I knew who they were. What isn’t staged are their official uniforms.

1902 Football practice at Tempe Normal School (ASU), Tempe, Arizona

Football styles when Wisconsin played Michigan in the 1902 Season

Modern uniforms on display. Arizona State University vs USC in 2011. Photo- Peter Vander Stoep for DHD

Ideally, we will remain the envy of many universities forced into a never-ending game of catch-up with the guys in Tempe. Forks Up.



Check out some of the newest Sun Devil Lifestyle gear at DieHard Sun Devil Apparel
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