Coca-Cola Commercials put ASU’s 942 Crew on the National Stage
Mike Howell
By ,
March 23, 2014 9:21 PM

If you’ve been watching the NCAA Basketball tournament (and seriously, what are you doing with your life if you haven’t?), you’ve likely seen the newest Coke Zero commercials, starring none other than Arizona State’s 942 Crew. Yep… Coca-Cola has put ASU’s 942 Crew on the National Stage.



ASU Basketball’s student section is the focal point of two 15-second spots, painting them as the new kids on the block in college basketball’s undergrad support. 

942 Crew’s signature move, the genius “Curtain of Distraction,” is featured as well as their future aspirations.

“We are the new kids. The Cameron Crazies, the Rock Chalk Jayhawks, those are great student sections that come out to their games. We try to be the cool little brothers.”

“Sometimes little brothers grow up to be even better than the big brothers.”

I’d like to give a shout-out to the 942 Crew and Bill Kennedy of ASU’s Athletic Department. Kennedy supports the 942 Crew in all of their efforts to build a stronger fan base, and he continues to turn their big ideas into reality. 

PS – You might notice that our friends at Coca-Cola have spent some time perusing our own DieHard Devil website when they close the ad with, “Are you a real fan? Prove it.” — We’d like to think so anyway! 

Coke’s commercials continue to run during the NCAA’s March Madness basketball tournament which has been narrowed to “the Sweet Sixteen” as of today.


Here are two of the :15 spots for Coke Zero

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