Three years ago two grass roots efforts, DieHard Devil and the Devils Den Podcast, were founded independently by ASU Alumni to share their passion for ASU Football and the university with other fans. And despite the trials and tribulations that come with starting something new and original, both groups have persevered, building their own followings and establishing a presence within the Sun Devil media space.
Today in an effort to provide fans with a more comprehensive experience in following Sun Devil Football, DieHard Devil welcomes the ASU Devils Den , now the Official Podcast of
In 2000, a group of undergrads at ASU started coming together in the front rows at football games and other athletics events. They became the most raucous supporters for each team. As time passed, the faces became more familiar and their support grew stronger. They named their group the “Devils Den.”
Although all of the friends have since graduated, started their careers and moved to different parts of the country, Sun Devil Football remains the nucleus of their connection.
The time that they once dedicated to religiously attending games of different Sun Devil sports soon became lengthy cell phone conversations that ended with, “Holy #*%^, we’ve been on the phone for two hours. I gotta go.” That turned into article-length emails about Sun Devil football each week.
Today, those conversations continue in the form of a podcast.
Listen or Download the Devils Den Podcast on iTunes
When I first began listening to the Devils Den Podcast, it felt like I was in the same room with these guys, wearing my best Sun Devil T, legs kicked up, both hands back behind my head with a micro-brew at my side. I was a fly on the wall while a couple of fans, both of whom knew more about Sun Devil Football than I thought possible, held a conversation.
Those guys are Rob Malara and Don Hansen, two members of the original group of die hard undergrads in the front row. They’re two normal, hard-working Sun Devil alumni, who are passionate about ASU Athletics and want to see a consistently successful Pac-12 football program.
They’ve been around since Bruce Snyder, Dirk Koetter, Dennis Erickson and now, Todd Graham. They’ve been there for the huge wins and heart-crushing losses. They’ve never stopped bleeding Maroon & Gold, and I’d venture to say they’ve become more devout fans as time has passed.
But make no mistake, you’re not going to hear a couple guys pumping the program with praise because they happen to be fans. They’ve developed grounded, dependable and honest perspectives on what it takes for the Devils to maintain national attention, and fight it’s way into the BCS Playoff. They provide solid insight and hard analysis of the Pac-12 and ASU’s position in the conference.
Like, the Devils Den Podcast is independent of any radio, television or national publishing entities. There is no one in the way to dictate our content or coverage, and no topic is off-limits.
Along with the Devils Den Podcast, Rob and Don are active members in the DieHard Forums and provide terrific insight on current developments within the program. They want your feedback and input along the way and continue to innovate new ideas into their podcast to give fans great value.
DieHard Devil and the Devils Den are bringing our collective knowledge and efforts together to provide more value to you, the Sun Devil Fan. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, iTunes, Stitcher, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn and more.
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