Today is Pat Tillman’s 37th Birthday.
The State Press published an excellent article by Josh Nacion earlier today, Honoring Pat: Tillman’s legacy still alive at ASU .
Sometimes it’s the lesser-known stories that people have about PT that are the best ways to remember exactly who he was. Three excerpts from this article are below.
To a man that still reminds us of what we are capable of– Happy Birthday.
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Dr. John Eaton remembers when he taught Tillman in a class at ASU
Eaton once brought up a topic on leadership that was outdated at that time. Tillman interjected. “He just tore it apart and said, ‘That’s not what leadership is today. That’s not leadership in football. That’s not leadership in the real world. Those models are outdated,’” Eaton said. “And that’s why we hold to those values today, and many of us admire those characteristics.”
Very few people at ASU today embrace Tillman’s legacy more than ASU coach Todd Graham
…Graham emphasizes the values that Tillman stood for and has converted them into some of the football team’s central values.
Graham said he never met or knew Tillman, but he wishes he had. Upon arriving at ASU, Graham researched Tillman extensively and has closely consulted with Tillman’s family.
Alex Garwood, Tillman’s brother-in-law who was the original executive director of the foundation
“That’s part of the beauty of Pat,” Garwood said. “You get to decide for yourself what you want to take away from his example. I remember that he made me embrace life more when he was around and that he inspired others — in life and death— to do their own level best. That influence is contagious and you do see it continued in others.”
View the complete article, Honoring Pat: Tillman’s legacy still alive at ASU
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