The unofficial Sun Devil Dictionary (DieHard Dictionary) is taking shape.
The Sun Devil language is often undetectable to outsiders. But to fans of the Maroon & Gold, it tells a story about Sun Devil history and culture. Lately, the innovation of fans has been taken up a notch.
Here, we highlight three creative entries. Each reflects elements of the Sun Devils from memorable plays to memorable players to popular culture.
If you have any terms or phrases to contribute to the Sun Devil lexicon, add them here.

- Jumping over defenders, leaving them holding nothing more than an embarrassing photo.
- To leap tall objects (sometimes Trojans) in a single bound.
- Used in a sentence: Chris sky-cammed the bouncer as he chased the drunk guy out of the bar.
- A term that originated in the 1996 Film, Jerry Maguire, a movie about a successful Sports Agent coming to terms with the business. The term was used by Maguire’s (Tom Cruise) big client, Frank Kushman (Jerry O’Connell), who was the anticipated #1 pick in the draft. As NFL teams clamored for his services in the final hour, Kushman sais he’s got “kush-lash” to explain that he’s sick of seeing himself everywhere.
- In the movie Arizona Cardinal football player, Rod Tidwell (Cuba Gooding Jr), was a star at Arizona State, and in a Monday Night Football game against the Cowboys in Sun Devil Stadium, Tidwell found the “quan”. Cameron Crowe cemented the movie as a piece of Sun Devil lore by offering up the phrase, “I’m a Sun Devil, man,” to the masses.
- Frank Kush (vs Frank Kushman) is the winning-est coach in Sun Devil history and frankly, we’re surprised that the term was never adapted in some way for the Sun Devil legend by fans. Mystery.

Swine Pflu
Swine Pflu
- An addiction to the pigskin, otherwise know as the sport of football.
- A condition that runs in the Pflugrad family.
- A positive ailment.
- Used in a sentence: Aaron Pflugrad had a severe case of swine pflu, so after playing football in college he decided to become a coach like his father.
If you have any terms or phrases to contribute to the Sun Devil lexicon, add them HERE.
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