Wednesday cut-off to make sure you can Vote
Speak Now or…….
ASU has taken the unsatisfied reactions from fans about the newly unveiled Sparky to heart. University leaders have made a proactive decision to engage Sun Devil Nation in a “revamp” process to our Maroon & Gold celebrity. While it is unconfirmed, it looks like one of the options will be to largely keep the current Sparky in place while also offering three other options. (Clarify Your Email NOW to Vote on the New Sparky)
This is a great step by ASU in building a more symbiotic relationship with DieHard fans. Moves like this help to build a more supportive and more engaged fan base. So take advantage and let your voice be heard.
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From the Alumni Association
It’s time to vote for an update to Sparky’s mascot costume. Based on feedback from the ASU community, including alumni, students, the student-athlete advisory board and others, we want you to vote for the Sparky mascot costume that best represents the identity and personality of our beloved Sparky the Sun Devil.
Starting April 19, ASU will begin emailing voting instructions to ASU alumni. If you are an alum but do not receive regular electronic communications from the ASU Alumni Association, now is your opportunity to be included. Fill out and submit this form before April 18 to verify your eligibility and ensure that we have a valid email address for you.
Please share this message with your ASU alumni family and friends so they can be included in the messages and participate in the vote.
Go Devils!
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So take this step because you matter in this decision. And to those who have spoken “loudest” about the newest Sparky, this is your opportunity to be heard. Otherwise, it was all hot air. If you’re a DieHard Sun Devil, Prove it now.
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